Research Recipients

Supporting Research to Find a Cure for

Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia

Our mission seeks to educate and support our community while advancing the search for a cure. We recognize groundbreaking research will lead us toward the cures for WM. Find out more about our current and past grant recipients and their projects.  

Woman looking throgh a microscope

Current Research Recipients

Learn more about the current research that is playing a significant role in the development of treatments and treatment guidelines in current use, as well as potential new drugs still in the pipeline. The goal of our research program is to improve quality of life for WM patients and, ultimately, discover a cure.

Past Research Recipients

Read about past grant recipients and their research. Our research is funded almost entirely by individual members’ donations and focuses on the financial support of programs and institutions that contribute to basic scientific research toward a cure for Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia.